[Schachtel mit Karteikarten aus der Kategorie Arbeit]

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[Reiter BAU] is Part Of CreativeWork
[Reiter ALLGEMEIN] is Part Of CreativeWork
[Reiter KIESWERK] is Part Of CreativeWork
[Reiter LU / 6000 LUZERN] is Part Of CreativeWork
[Reiter LU / 6215 BEROMÜNSTER] is Part Of CreativeWork
[Reiter RENOVIEREN] is Part Of CreativeWork
[Reiter SG / 9000 St. GALLEN] is Part Of CreativeWork
[Reiter BERGWERK] is Part Of CreativeWork
[Reiter BE / EMMENTAL Krümpelgraben] is Part Of CreativeWork
[Reiter GR / 7749 S. ANTONIO Puschlav] is Part Of CreativeWork
[Reiter INDUSTRIE] is Part Of CreativeWork
[Reiter ALUMINIUM] is Part Of CreativeWork
[Reiter ZG / 6340 BAAR] is Part Of CreativeWork
[Reiter Arbeit - Industrie Alu-Suisse Chippis VS Denkmal Martin Schindler] is Part Of CreativeWork
[Reiter VS / 3965 CHIPPIS] is Part Of CreativeWork
[Reiter TG / 8500 FRAUENFELD Teigwarenfabrik] is Part Of CreativeWork
[Reiter BE / 3550 LANGNAU i. Emmental] is Part Of CreativeWork
[Reiter BE / 4242 LAUFEN] is Part Of CreativeWork
[Reiter LU / 6000 LUZERN "GAS"] is Part Of CreativeWork
[Reiter LU / 6000 LUZERN "SEIFE"] is Part Of CreativeWork
[Reiter BE / 2740 MOUTIER] is Part Of CreativeWork
[Reiter GL / 8754 NETSTAL] is Part Of CreativeWork
[Reiter GR / 7166 TRUN] is Part Of CreativeWork
[Reiter ZH / 8000 ZÜRICH] is Part Of CreativeWork
[Reiter LABOR] is Part Of CreativeWork